

New member
Got MSFS installed into my 2 computers. Bought one in Store and via my MSFS account installed in both no extra charge. And I use G-91, WYMF-5, Stearman, some payware airports and scenarios as well in both.
Does someone knows if it's allowed to do the same with PMDG Dc-6 and Milviz Corsair, meaning buying this planes and use them in two PC? Thanks, best regards
If bought through the MS store (and both will be available there eventually) then very likely, it's the basis of MS's approach; outside of that would be down to individual licensing terms but given the MS approach it would be odd if they did try to restrict it and to do it they would have to digital fingerprint your PC to know where it was. That's my guess anyway.
I would just see if the exe file installs on the second MSFS installation. You could try C&P the aircraft like Carenado's from the Onestore of the original installation to the second. They either work or they don't.
A smattering of my Marketplace planes showed on the Xbox: Carenado Waco and C170, SimWorks Zenith CH701, and joy of joys, the Bredok Eurofighter. :)

None of the rest of the Carenado I own (C182, Mooney, Arrow, PA-44) were there, but they might be being updated. The Bleriot wasn't there, but flying that with an Xbox controller would be the stuff of nightmares! Aerosoft CRJ was, alas, missing too.

Most of the rest of my planes come from outside the Marketplace.

About 1/4 of my Marketplace sceneries were there. None of the OrbX scenery was there yet, but OrbX announced those are coming.
Aerosoft said they would be there too, but it seems it’s up to each developer and by model, so over time more will appear.