Kind of sad to see the sorts of responses you got. You asked a legitimate question and I think you deserve to receive a fair and objective response. So, I will try.
The LM Prepar3D EULA says that you can use it for personal use provided it is educational in nature. For example, I can purchase the standard licensed product for personal use as an educational and training tool for my own real world flying. The product was originally developed as a low cost PC-based platform for customized training simulators such as LM builds and has already built where I work. Note: I worked a brief time as a beta tester for the product since I work for LM.
What you are not supposed to do is use the product for entertainment purposes, despite the whimsical replies you have received here. This is because LM is under a contractual agreement with Microsoft to avoid selling Prepar3D in competition with sales of FSX. Prepar3D is a development of the commercial version of FSX that Microsoft started but then sort of abandoned before they licensed it to Lockheed Martin.
The simple truth, despite what so many others here would tell you, is that you are not supposed to purchase Prepar3D for personal entertainment use. Schools are allowed to purchase the educational license for a reduced price to encourage them to use them as base level flight simulators as part of their curriculum of instruction.
One more truth, no one here has the slightest idea what LM or Microsoft will or won't do regarding violations of the Prepar3D EULA, which I think are clearly widespread. I don't know either, but at least I admit that to you. I work for LM but in an entirely different department and not the folks developing this software. I completely wish this whole tedious nonsense would end and MS would stop being silly and lift their contractual limits off LM's product. I see no reason why Prepar3D should not be used for entertainment. After all, the line between training and entertainment is blurred anyway. I mean who really wants to train to do something they find no fun in doing!
And if you cannot find any fun in aviation, then there's something wrong with you! LOL!! So, obviously entertainment naturally comes as part of the education and training. But, I hope my reply has helped you make an informed choice.