Light Bloom


Charter Member 2011
John Venema has a setup for FS9 light bloom at

Name: Size: 353,988 Date: 04-09-2010 Downloads: 409
FS2004/FSX Light Bloom Plugin. FSX supports light bloom, but the effect reduces frame rates. In 2008, Boris Vorontsov developed a small freeware plug-in, ENBSeries, which produces a similar effect, with little or no effect on frame rates. The purpose of this package is (a) to help distribute Vorontsov's plugin and (b) to make it easy for flight simmers to get started and enjoy what Vorontsov has given us. The trickiest part of (b) is adjusting the various parameters for Flight Simluator. You're welcome to play with this yourself, but most people are going to be happy with the settings provided here...

I am going to tweak some more, whether you like the effect or not is probably up to the monitor you are using...

Wing_Z, I installed that last night using the "Quick" set-up. I've adjusted the Color Level (Contrast) but it needs more tweeking for my eyes.

I'd be interested in seeing your progress and your adjusted settings as you do your tweeking.


The OBIO disease is contagious .. lol .. I don't like this effect in my FS2004 install :)

You know you have made a name for yourself in the sim world when someone names a disease after you LOL!

Thanks for the laugh Claudius!!!!
