It is curiosity really, I'd added managed to add a contact point light ( to try and see where the contact point was), but it just gowed over a large area, didn't seem much use in trying to refine contact points.
Pickin a lighting effect out of the effects file it shows so much info, but I was curious what is what:
<Light_runLight ClassName="Lighting" LightType="Point" Lifetime="3" InitialDelay="0" FadeInTime=".9" FadeOutTime=".9" StrobeInterval="1.0" StrobeRitm="50" PosX="-5" PosY=".122" PosZ=".3" RotY="0.0" RotX="0.0" Diffuse0="0 0 0" Diffuse1="235 197 63" Specular0="0 0 0" Specular1="238 243 24" Ambient0="0 0 0" Ambient1="0 0 0" Range="3.2" FallOff="0.1" Attenuation0="1" Attenuation1="2" Attenuation2="0" Theta="10" Phi="30"/>
What options are there other than 'point', does strobe work? what are RotT and X? Why are there two sets of diffuse and specular, what does ambient do, what are Theta and Phi? They are the sort of things I was hoping to understand.
In truth though I probably won't need to know, so just curiosity, and the other documents I'd been directed to were useful on other things.