Lights...what color and where


Retired SOH Admin
When adding lights to a plane, what color lights go where? I know on the wings there are red and green lights, on the tail a white light, landing lights, taxi lights. I know that there are strobes that go top and bottom. Not sure of which color goes were, not sure of which lights would be required by the FAA on restored vintage planes. I am adding lights to K. Malinowski's PZL P37A and P37B...along with giving the planes some specular shine and some possible new skins (down the road a ways). Also TRYING to get the air and config files better aligned with FS2004 so that the planes fly better without shaking.

Also, is there a stand alone freeware gauge that I can use to activate the landing lights automatically when the gear is extended? I have the Shockwave 3D lights package and know that there is a gauge for this in that package, but am wanting one that I can include for those who do not have the Shockwave package.

ICAO standard. (from my rusty memory)

Left wing red
Right wing green
White visible to the rear
Red beacon visible 360deg (May be replaced by white strobes visible in the same arc. Cirrus' as an example)

Optional second beacon on the bottom of the aircraft (Mandatory if an aircraft is over a certain weight, example: King air)

Strobes on wingtips, tail and belly as certified.

For the PZL Just wingtip red and green would have been fitted. Perhaps a beacon added later for civilian use
Hi OBIO & Brian, those shockwave lights look great huh, anyways have you guys know or seen landing lights for FS that goes on & off on each wing? saw it on a sea otter & on a CRJ, it would be grat if we had those on FS