limiting fps?



Hope someone can help me.

Don't remember where to limit the maximum FPS for CFS3.

Must be in one of the *.xml files, but whitch? Something like "maxfps=20" or so.

Thanks in advance

Nevermind, found it in "CFS3.xml" within the "default"-subfolder within CFS3-folder

Hope someone can help me.

Don't remember where to limit the maximum FPS for CFS3.

Must be in one of the *.xml files, but whitch? Something like "maxfps=20" or so.

Thanks in advance

Nevermind, found it in "CFS3.xml" within the "default"-subfolder within CFS3-folder

Hi Italflyer,

IIRC the cfs3.xml should be in the root folder of the install you are using? I.e. straight under Combat Flight Simulator 3/, not under a sub-folder? Just from memory not on CFS computer at the moment.

A common approach is to match the FPS with the refresh rate of your monitor. So for a LCD monitor at 50Hz, a FPS of more than 50 is a waste of time and it might be simpler for the graphics processing if the FPS matches the Hz.
CFS3.XML is in the "default" subfolder (at least in my ETO). I set the maxFPS to 20 in my ETO install. Sometimes it helps to prevent stutters setting the value a bit below what the system can handle.
