List seaplane base scenery

ian elliot

This is a seaplane base near the town of List on the island of Sylt, a few miles north of my
Westerland airfield scenery. There's only one water start with this scenery,
so anything without floats and your swimming :biggrin-new:

The only objects you'll need is---, JD's conversion of Wolfi's CFS2 objects.

Small German R boats by stuart277
Arado by Alphasim
Thanks Ian,

You are currently producing them in a higher rate than I can install and use them.......... :dizzy:
And again, very nice to have some sea plane bases in Europe! :encouragement:

Dear Ian,
I fear that I bore you with my scenery problems;
when I tried to start from this new scene, again problems:
when at the beginning the sim charges, as soon as it came to "adjusting scenery objects" I got a black screen and nothing did go continue.
To understand what would make troubles I tested one by one the scenery files.
The outcome was that the files
Ar196.Bgl and List_VTPP.Bgl caused the black frozen screen.
With the other files when I started from the List scene I get what you will see on the screenshot.
Why in the List scenery Ar196.bgl causes problems, in Herdla scene not ?
And why my sim does not accept List- VTPP.bgl.
Oh not to forget I also use Westerland-Sylt scenery which works very fine.
Papi, do you perhaps have alternative mesh installed?

For me it works "almost" as advertised. I do have all the objects and they appear without problems, but I have the feeling I have the wrong ground texture.........................


It may be a ground texture issue, im the stock concrete bmp, FS9/texture folder. When i first installed FS9 at X-mas, i experimented with alternative ground texture's but decided i like'd stock, but i know you guy's use third party ( GW ect) so that may be the issue, i'll drag it back into the work shop and have a tinker

Why in the List scenery Ar196.bgl causes problems, in Herdla scene not ?
Try removing this Bgl from your List scenery, if there's a duplicate in the Herdla scenery, the Arado's may still appear


The concrete.r8 texture in my modified Golden Wings install is exactly the same as the one in my "vanilla" FS9 install.
I don't have a clue where this green with black stripes texture comes from.

And as usual: your efforts are appreciated!

I ve gone for a different approach, making up a 3D object rather than a ground poly, it will look better when done :biggrin-new:
Hallo friends,
at first yes I have a 3rd party mesh, but from which date pfffff I can't say.
I have tried to make an apron with afcad and it works.
It was just a trial and must be more precise.
Ian can you give me the exact coordinates for the areas contained in the List-VTPP.bgl file
so I will try to reproduce it with afcad.
I have removed the Ar196.bgl from the List scenery - and the Arados are gently mooring on scene
Did you know that the Hangars removed after war forms now the Ostseehalle at Kiel?
I was some time there at List at the Marineversorgungsschule, closed today. It was a funny time.
But from the former seabase nothing to see today.
Papi, do you perhaps have alternative mesh installed?

For me it works "almost" as advertised. I do have all the objects and they appear without problems, but I have the feeling I have the wrong ground texture.........................


Huub, I have a similar green and black stripe "texture" with some airport taxiways and parking areas in my Golden Wings install. The effect seems random, and only affects certain add-on airports in Europe and Asia. I asked about this at the Old Hangar a few years ago an one of the guys said it might be a building texture. My theory is that it might have been caused when I re-installed the original FS9 taxi and parking bmps.
Just wondering, but has the fix for the green area been found. I tried replacing every concrete bmp and concrete.r8 from a stock FS2004 back up and there was no change.

So far there has been no solution for this anomaly. I have gone through the files in texture folder in the root section and through the texture folder in the scenery part. As the problem seems to occur in Europe and Asia only, I still have to go though the specific texture folders for these areas. But so far I haven't been able to locate the green with black texture.

Meanwhile Ian is reworking his scenery and will create a mesh with its own texture, which will solve the problem for this scenery anyhow .



Finally I found the texture which caused the anomaly! Its the texture asphalt.r8 in the main texture folder inside the FS9 root folder. In my GW3 install its green with a black pattern and originally is looks like concrete tiles. In the image above you see the scenery with a sand coloured texture, but this was made while I was testing......

And below with the correct texture taken from vanilla FS9 install.................


Hallo friends,

as I wrote before, I'm shure that I have some where a germany mesh. but it is sooo old that I can nomore find out where it might behidden.
So do you not use any mesh for germany - or if you use one, tell me please where I can get it
Other wise, I have as good as possible rebuild the apron with afcad - There might be a stormy tide (or a wrong mesh) because some waves are rolling over the apron
Hold on everyone, give me a day or two and you can have a new version, and it works cause someone else has tested it :biggrin-new: no more messing around with ground polys

PS you can delete the old version and ive asked Rami to remove it from the library