little fixes


P-38 nut
Hi, it's been a while. If any of you still fly my P-38s, I finally got around to fixing a visual omission in the final releases of my P-38J/F-5, P-38L and P-38M models. Several years after I posted these and retired from FS, I noticed the turbo scoops missing. I fixed them on the models I still flew personally but never got around to putting them up publicly. I'm not going to u/l them anywhere other than my website, as I imagine there aren't many people left sill flying them. Just thought I'd drop in, say "hi" to the old gang and let you know that I dusted off these old models.

- dcc
I haven't flown your birds in a while, having finally migrated to FSX last year, but I'm going to get out my duster and give them a whirl! Maybe I'll try porting them to FSX. Never done it, so I'll have to learn.

Your Lightnings were always some of my favorites in FS9, especially the night fighter (I do love two seaters). Thanks for the updates, and I'm glad to see you (sort of) back again!

Hey David -- Good to hear from you. I still fly the XP-38N,:biggrin-new: and the "Racer" now and then. And I still look at your site from time to time. Old habits...:encouragement:

Thanks David, I guess this is the department where many people still have the oldies installed. I must confess I can't remember when I last flew one of your models (must be at least 6 months ago), but I still have several installed.

And beside the unexpected update its always nice when people drop in once in a while :encouragement:.

Hi David,

It's good to see you back, even if only sort of.

Thanks for posting those updates.

I'll bet there are more people flying your Lightnings than you think. Since you haven't been around, you might not have noticed that in all those years nobody has come up with a better P-38, or even tried to.

I hardly ever fly anything since, despite my strongest efforts to do some flying, I keep spending all my hobby time on fiddling about with models and scenery. But your Lightnings remain in my hangar and they are among the few planes I've actually flown more than once or twice.

I know that feeling of it becoming less like fun and more like work! It kept me away from the hobby for several years until a few years back. I hope you'll have a little more hobby time nowadays, and that you'll be able to have some fun and not all work.


I agree with Mick. There are probably more folks still flying your birds than you might think. I still have the long nose photo job loaded up and still fly it regularly. I have some post-war civilian paint jobs on it.

Thanks for sharing your modeling talent and historical interest with us.

Me, Me, Me! :jump::greenbounce:

I still fly them!

Well, the FSX'd versions... (I don't use DX10)


For some reason I find myself in the F alot. P-38 is one of my favorite planes, guess I like to consider what it was like in the darkness of the early days of the war.... And I'm fond of the whole "Glacier Girl" story as well.

Such beautiful birds to fly. And your models were so advanced for the time. Thank you.
Hello DCC!

I am also a die-hard FS9 user and your 38s have for how long now? Anyways have forever been front a center in my flight line up and even after I purchased a payware Lightning I still continued to fly yours.
I downloaded your new fixes and loaded them up,excellent!
Thank you for your Lightning passion!

Like lightning

Hi, it's been a while. If any of you still fly my P-38s, I finally got around to fixing a visual omission in the final releases of my P-38J/F-5, P-38L and P-38M models. Several years after I posted these and retired from FS, I noticed the turbo scoops missing. I fixed them on the models I still flew personally but never got around to putting them up publicly. I'm not going to u/l them anywhere other than my website, as I imagine there aren't many people left sill flying them. Just thought I'd drop in, say "hi" to the old gang and let you know that I dusted off these old models.

- dcc
Very many thanks for the P-38s that you have produced for FS 2004. I have spent many happy hours flying them and consider them the first of the FS 2004 WWII fighters that were pleasant and rewarding to fly and that also felt authentic. I'm still flying them.

Thanks again.

PS: Do not let the rivet counters get you down. Remember that criticism is the sincerest form of flattery.