little program to clear up aircraft textures.....


Charter Member
...which I used to have and which worked really well. I seem to remember it was in 2 parts, which went in the texture folder you wanted to clear up, but you had to be careful as it would clear up everything it came across. I have forgotten what it was and would greatly appreciate information on it.

Thank you,

Hmmm... that sounds suspiciously like "DXTFixer" but I could be wrong. I believe you can select specific textures and alter them individually with DXTFixer, but you can also select the entire texture folder and tell it to remedy such things as faulty or missing alpha channels within DXT texture formats. There was a big discussion over in the Avsim forums about it some time ago.

This is the Readme contents from DXTFixer:

DxtFixerX for FS9 and FSX - neumanix 2012

This tool fixes the stutters in FS9/FSX caused by dxt3 and dxt5 textures without an active alpha channel.

To just search for bad files without making any changes, check the box that says "Just report bad files".
To fix all faulty files, just leave the box unchecked.

Then click the "Select root folder" button to tell the program from where to start the search.
It will search all the subfolders from there on.
If you select your FS9/FSX root folder, then all your textures will be searched.

After the search is done, the program closes automatically.

Now go read the "log.txt" file that was generated. It contains a report of the faulty files that were found/fixed.

It's perfectly safe to use, as only dxt3 and dxt5 compressed bitmaps will be searched and modified. And they should ALWAYS
have an alpha channel, so you can't do anything to mess up your sim.


Peter Nyman (neumanix)

I've tried that out and I don't think it is the same program I was thinking of...this one had 2 parts and didn't clear up stutters (AFAIK) but sharpened the smeary textures on an aircraft fuselage etc. You used it by placing one part in the aircraft texture folder that needed a coat of looking at and then ran the program...:dizzy:.and Hey Presto a fresh and clean set of logos, writing etc !

The one i have is "bmp3dxt3" that I got from an SOH discussion thread concerning alpha channel and how to paint out something in the model so it was no longer visible.

This is the Readme contents from DXTFixer:

DxtFixerX for FS9 and FSX - neumanix 2012

This tool fixes the stutters in FS9/FSX caused by dxt3 and dxt5 textures without an active alpha channel.

To just search for bad files without making any changes, check the box that says "Just report bad files".
To fix all faulty files, just leave the box unchecked.

Then click the "Select root folder" button to tell the program from where to start the search.
It will search all the subfolders from there on.
If you select your FS9/FSX root folder, then all your textures will be searched.

After the search is done, the program closes automatically.

Now go read the "log.txt" file that was generated. It contains a report of the faulty files that were found/fixed.

It's perfectly safe to use, as only dxt3 and dxt5 compressed bitmaps will be searched and modified. And they should ALWAYS
have an alpha channel, so you can't do anything to mess up your sim.


Peter Nyman (neumanix)

I was also under the impression that it would eliminate the "blurries" (a condition where the ground textures become fuzzy and out of focus) when a model was viewed from the spot view. This was usually the culprit of a specific texture or set of textures had a corrupt or missing alpha channel. I have it installed and it works great. Before DXTFixer, I used to go in to each DXT3 or DXT5 texture individually and add or replace the alpha channel. Lotsa' work!! :banghead:


I've tried that out and I don't think it is the same program I was thinking of...this one had 2 parts and didn't clear up stutters (AFAIK) but sharpened the smeary textures on an aircraft fuselage etc. You used it by placing one part in the aircraft texture folder that needed a coat of looking at and then ran the program...:dizzy:.and Hey Presto a fresh and clean set of logos, writing etc !


Sounds like something to get rid of mip-maps. possibly a batch file and image tool? Got it on the forum, forget the author, sorry. :dizzy:


View attachment 11806
Microsoft's Imagetool.exe can be used with a batch file in order to process an entire folder. You mentioned being careful - one of the possible options is to have the program work recursively and dig into subfolders. The problem with this is that if you do this in the root of and aircraft folder, you'll get the benefit of processing all texture folders at once, but if you leave the panel folder in place and convert the bitmaps there to DXT, you'll render those useless.

Edit: Didn't read the last post...

Thank you for all the replies. I am going to try the 'batchconverter' suggested by Jamie. Keeping in mind Tom's advice about the contents of the panel folders, it will be kept in the texture folder of the aircraft!
Self-directed small rant coming up-Why don't I keep things like really useful little Utilities safe, tucked away in a folder in the cupboard section of the computer? Who knows :pop4:?
