Load OFF3 DVD and Revisions Correctly


Charter Member
I want to reload my OFF3 DVD and Revisions. Are the following steps correct.

1. Load OFF 3 , set Screen Resolution, Joystick and then close

2. Load Patch 1 and open OFF3. Close it

3. Load Patch 1.2 and open OFF3. Close it

4. Open updated OFF3 and enjoy.

OFF Phase 3

Thanks Polovski. I question I want to ask concerns the opening screen. In Phase 2 the opening screen showed the menu, options and pilot. The Phase 3 shows only the aircraft.

Did I miss something?
If you are describing the mission launch into CFS3.. nope it's called "direct to mission" speeds up loading makes it more "one" rather than 2 separate things.

If you want old CFS3 QC there's a button in workshop.
old CFS3 QC button in workshop

Polovski. I am sorry for being so cautious. What button? I am the guy who measures 10 times and cuts once.