To get the campaign to work, you can look at the list of aircraft in the campaign xml file. Just delete the aircraft that you don't have in your install.
However, the campaign needs at least one bomber and one fighter for each country, with entered service and left service dates that are available for the entire period of the campaign.
In each aircraft's xdp file, you can find when they are available. So for example if you had a German fighter available from 12/42 to 12/43, and the campaign runs to at least 1945, you need another German fighter or fighters available from 12/43 or earlier, with a left service date in 1945.
The availability of the aircraft must be overlapping, ie. contiguous, for each fighter and each bomber for each country.
A lot of the addon campaigns list far too many aircraft, IMHO. You never get to fly them all in a campaign, and they just add complexity. What is more important to me is that the air spawns work so that you encounter a wide variety of enemy (and friendly) aircraft when carrying out the campaign missions.