Loading pauses?


Anyone else seeing periodic loading pauses?

It's most obvious with really fast planes, like fighters and X-planes.

The freezes are just a portion of a second, but that's really annoying. X-plane is on a 10,000RPM defragmented drive.
I dont get this...

I will occassionally get a terrain tile that is a funny color in the distance, but nothing else.. smooth and calm..

I got some stutters on terrain loading tonight for the first time. I was in a flight for nearly an hour and it was about 40 min's into the flight that it started to happen, so Im thinking with mine its a memory thing, perhaps reaching a limit for some reason.

It was fine when I started out. Smooth and nice...

I was tempted to test that by saving, rebooting the computer, and going back in to see if that cleared the memory.

But, it could also be my GC overheating. There was a bug with iMacs that when in Windows mode would have some issues with cooling fans running at the right speeds. I am hoping the updates took care of that.

Weird. This is a Core i7 with a 10,000 RPM drive, so it's not a problem with system performance.