loadouts and spawns in missions


Charter Member
In the Loadout section of the aircraft .xdf file ther are different MissionType for a spawn to work in a mission does it have to have the MissionType listed in the directive?

For example will a spawn having Directive="anti_ship" work if in the Loadout of the particular payload for this specific plane the MissionType="CAS, Search_destroy" only or does it have to read anti-ship in the MissionType?

Another example with the Directive="Nothing" in the spawn then the MissionType for the Loadout would have to read at one point: Nothing
Hi gosd,

this extract from post#49 in the Projected Knowledgebase sticky may shed some light:

"Another thing the spawns need is the aircrafts xdp loadout section to be done correctly, they must have the mission type (ie strike, CAS, antiship and others) added to the different loadouts. If not then sometimes spawned aircraft will just fly past their ground or shipping targets without attacking because they dont know what weapons to attack with.


<Loadouts InternalPylons="1">
<Loadout Name="Clean"
*MissionType="Escort,CAP,Intercept,Sweep,Nothing,B omber_Intercep t*"/>
<Loadout Name="(2)500lb Bombs">
<Hardpoint ID="0" PylonType="pylon_null_double" PayloadType="B_500lbMOS"
<Loadout Name="(4)250lb Bombs">
<Hardpoint ID="0" PylonType="pylon_null_double" PayloadType="B_250lb"
<Hardpoint ID="1" PylonType="pylon_MOS_0" PayloadType="B_250lb"
<Hardpoint ID="2" PylonType="pylon_MOS_0" PayloadType="B_250lb"
<Loadout Name="(2)250lb+(2)500lb Bombs" *MissionType="Search_Destroy">*
<Hardpoint ID="0" PylonType="pylon_null_double" PayloadType="B_500lbMOS"
<Hardpoint ID="1" PylonType="pylon_MOS_0" PayloadType="B_250lb"
<Hardpoint ID="2" PylonType="pylon_MOS_0" PayloadType="B_250lb"
<Loadout Name="(4)500lb Bombs" *MissionType="Strike">*
<Hardpoint ID="0" PylonType="pylon_null_double" PayloadType="B_500lbMOS"
<Hardpoint ID="1" PylonType="pylon_MOS_0" PayloadType="B_500lbMOS"
<Hardpoint ID="2" PylonType="pylon_MOS_0" PayloadType="B_500lbMOS"
<Loadout Name="(8)Rockets+(2)500lb Bombs" *MissionType="CAS,Anti_Ship">*
<Hardpoint ID="0" PylonType="pylon_null_double" PayloadType="B_500lbMOS"
<Hardpoint ID="1" PylonType="pylon_MOS_1" PayloadType="b_rocket"
<Hardpoint ID="2" PylonType="pylon_MOS_2" PayloadType="b_rocket"

Dont forget after you make changes to any entrys in the xdp to delete the planes bdp file or else the changes wont be recognised by the sim

Of course none of the above is helping out with making aircraft appear more or less often in a campaign, I guess that just comes down to how many aircraft in your aircraft folder and how many versions of each type (fighter_bomber, tactical_bomber and level_bomber) you have available for the spawn files to choose from.

As well as the foregoing, I wonder how the game engine decides when two or more loadouts have the same missiontype contained within? (eg. "strike")

Obviously, where the mission specifies the payload (eg. payload="3"), then there is no potential for uncertainty and everything should run smoothly. That seems to be the best option when writing a mission for a specific aircraft. Payload="3" specifies the Third payload in the loadouts section, remembering that the numberiing goes 0,1,2 .... etc

So it looks like the aircraft will have trouble completing the mission if the payload is chosen by the game engine according to the Mission directive, and the aircraft's xdp file lacks the specified Missiontype in the loadouts section of their xdp. Better to tweak the mission file to specify the payload in the "units" section of the mission.xml file.
I'm certain I had B-17Fs that had ONLY *MissionType="Search_Destroy">* and still would attack ships in escort missions.(meaning I was a fighter escorting B-17Fs on anti-shipping mission.) They attack the ships.