Local Legend 15: Dornier Do 31

OMG, I am so getting that! I never would have thought we would get a good model of it and there are so many cool NATO country schemes it could be painted in.
Oh no way! lol I have dreamed of having one of these in the sim BUT no dev liked the idea. Well now, gotta get it!
it's in the marketplace right now, but has a timeout error when trying to purchase. I thought it was coming out on the 17th.
Picked it up, very cool model. Takes a bit of control setting up to get the throttle & nozzles to work correctly and the VTOL function takes a great deal of fineness to properly handle, especially the approach and landing phase.
Cool model, but it's the kind of novelty that I don't think I'd fly often once I was past the learn-how-to-fly-it stage. I wish, if they were going to do Dorniers, they'd give us a 228 or, better still, a 328.
That's the problem with a lot of these models - really interesting and beautifully made, but how often are you going to fly them before they are consigned to your digital Davis Monthan ? All credit to Microsoft and Asobo, of course, because they've brought us some weird and wonderful designs in the last couple of years, particularly flying boats. I think I might have a trawl through the back catalogue and take a second look at some of them. Rara Avis' excellent Horten has rekindled my interest in obscure prototypes.
so many cool NATO country schemes it could be painted in
Interesting thought...doubt there will be a paintkit but hopefully possible to repaint the existing livery...wonder how many there are?
Picked it up, very cool model. Takes a bit of control setting up to get the throttle & nozzles to work correctly and the VTOL function takes a great deal of fineness to properly handle, especially the approach and landing phase.

Hi , how did you get the VTOL function to work , i have no buttons left on my Stick , and i can´t move the control levelers in Cockpit , witch is strange ? :( :banghead:
This video
has instructions on configuring controls and doing VTOL, not tried it yet, stuck to conventional flight round Mach loop :)

Several liveries, including olive green and camo, should be easy enough to make simple 'What If' repaints...good companion to Transall C-160 and Short C-23.
I wish, if they were going to do Dorniers, they'd give us a 228 or, better still, a 328.

To each their own. :) I’d much rather see Asobo do unique cool planes that third parties wouldn’t see a big enough market for than yet another modern turboprop.

And at $10, it’s a no-brainer for plane history nuts like me.
Someone did a very nice metal texture for this one. Wish it had a bit more functionality in the cockpit, but for $10 bucks no complaints here.
Really a well-made aircraft! Very enjoyable.



IDK why, but I hate just looking at that thing. Doesn't look like something that actually would even fly. Maybe I'm too old school. :running:

We need some old commuter liner paints for that as well. Such as Pan Am, Eastern, KLM, etc. Retro stuff, but able to get into those small airports and to the large hubs.