Location of Bombsite in Aircraft Model Folder


Charter Member
The aircraft in question is the Firepower Lancaster? What M3D file would I open to locate the Bombsite details in this aircraft? I know it has the original site.

I have used the XVI32 program and checked the location of the TK's B24 to be located in the Cockpit1.M3D file.

Just me curious George on a WET Sunday Evening.

The modeler might have put the bomb aimer's position in any one of a number of VC models. The way to find which is to look at the .xdp file and the Seats section. Look for a Seat type bomber_station and which View it's associated with: if the view is 4 then the bombardier is in model_cockpit4.m3d

This is from Ted's Do217 E5 in ETO:-

<Station Name="Bombardier" Type="bomber_station" View="6" MaxFOV="50"/>

The bomb aimer here has View="6" so the bomb sight is going to be in ETO_DO_217E-5_Cockpit6.M3D

Hope this helps.
Hi Guys,

the following files are the FP lancaster bombsight positions.

Lancaster = lanc_Cockpit4.M3D
lancaster F2F = lanc_F2F_Cockpit4.M3D
lancaster_GS = Lancaster_GS_Cockpit2.M3D

The bomb sight model files are usually around 3kb in size. Just open them in hex editor like you did and search for .dds with a charecter search, if you want to apply a new sight texture just type in a name with the same amount of charecters and set your new texture name to match and your good to go.

regards Rob.