Lockheed P2V-5/f Neptunes for FS9

I have just uploaded Lockheed P2V-5/f Neptune's for FS9 to the add-on Libray

There is 8 different variance of the P2V-5 included in the file.

The aircraft have the normal animations as well as operating jet intake doors, upper cockpit doors,
crew entrance ladder, retractable landing lights, bomb bay doors

David Wooster

Aw! Dave, man, that's awesome! :applause::applause: Thank you very very much!:salute:

All of you arm chair Neptune Drivers are REALLY going to be pleasantly surprised and pleased with these new -5 Neptunes. Dave has really outdone himself on this project. :medals:

where are they??????????

I have just uploaded Lockheed P2V-5/f Neptune's for FS9 to the add-on Libray

There is 8 different variance of the P2V-5 included in the file.

The aircraft have the normal animations as well as operating jet intake doors, upper cockpit doors,
crew entrance ladder, retractable landing lights, bomb bay doors

David Wooster

Dont't see them in yet.... but Navtech says he's downloading the file....:isadizzy::isadizzy::isadizzy:
Just downloaded the package. I've always felt that the Neptune was one of the most attractive patrol bombers ever flown.

Thanks Dave!
All right :sheep:


How appropriate. I am working on a non-flight-sim project involving a P2V-3W, this is very timely - and very well-done, too. Thanks, Dave, for completing this excellent aircraft!
The real treat is the much improved VC. Along with the fact that you can control both the jets and the props separately, which is a real trick to pull off in flight sim. That, and the flight model is very accurate, and requires some creative adjustments should you decide to shut off those "cans" and run on the big Pratt & Whitney's alone, whilst in flight! The schemes on all of the different variants are very well done and accurate for the time period, but paint job on the "Fire Bomber" is exceptionally nice.

This is a really nice collection of classic P2V-5 Neptune types. They look quite good and fly pretty well too! The jet simulation is unique and very effective. Overall, I like it better than the Alphasim/ Virtavia P2V-7 Neptune, which has long been my favorite warbird ride.

It does need autopilot and reverse props (which I shall work on integrating shortly for my own amazement). A P2V-5 Neptune without reverse props seems incomplete.

Perhaps adding some FSX camera views to get into the bow station (my favorite seat) and elsewhere is in order.

I've got them loaded into FSX and they seem to work just fine (excepting of the Concorde visor controlled bomb bay).

Hope this model gets some attention by our talented SOH repainters!

Thanks again for a really nice package! You've made this old VP sailor quite happy.