Locking Spotter Plane Views


Charter Member
On my old FS 9 setup, the spot (spotter?) view was locked, rather than moving. I was also alse to lock the viewing distance, say eyeball to aircraft. I can't remember how to set all this up, but most other things are slowly coming back.
If I understand correctly, I think this is what you're looking for:

In the sim (not just the opening menu), in windowed mode, on the menu bar at the top of the screen, select Views, then View Options. Set your desired distance, remove the check box from "Gradual Transitions" and for "Type" select "Fixed."

I hope that's what you need. I'm in the process of setting up FS9 on a no-lomnger-new confuter after a couple years away from the hobby, and I can't believe how many things I've forgotten that I used to know how to do. You have my sympathy!
Thank you, Mick! That's exactly what I wanted and your help worked a treat. It's rather like starting from scratch, except with a little bit of (dangerous) knowledge.


A small program I use is FlyBy by Valery Stenin which can be got at FlightSim and changes the Tower view for something a bit more interesting.

Thanks for the reminder, Andy. I remember using FlyBy on occasion but if I remember it didn't work to well on my old circa 866BC system. On my way over to download now.

Just finished my new desktop rig. Testing and installation of essentials completed and moderately overclocked. I have FS9 on the "D" drive and FSX on the "E" drive to keep the two apart. Granted there's not a great deal on my "C" drive, but Win 7 is "ready to go" in 19 seconds. FSX boots up, again basic fresh install, in 35 seconds, with FS9 at 31 seconds. Man, I really love these SSDs. Once everything is copied from my laptop, I'm thinking boot times should change much. My laptop with Win 7 and 4700MQ boots in 38 seconds while my old prehistoric rig took 129 seconds!

FS9 will be "perfected" first. Once I've relearned everything, then I'll start learning and tweaking FSX. I'm about 8 years behind other FSX users.
