Logitech 3D Pro Force Feedback...Quite nice!

Navy Chief

Senior Member
I took a chance, and ordered a "open box" Logitech 3D Pro Force Feedback joystick from a seller on Ebay (had 54 of them for sale).

Received it today, and love it! I hooked it up to my father in law's computer, and it works great! When I went to calibrate it, my father in law was laughing so hard, he nearly fell off his recliner. Reason is, the Logitech sound effects/motions for calibrating the joystick are hilarious!!!! Take for example, one of the effects when a button is pressed is the sound of a toilet flushing, and then the stick goes in circles!

But that aside, for $36 (including shipping), I truly am pleased with this controller.

I ordered another one for myself. I didn't have the heart to take it back from my father in law!!!

I still love my CH Fighter Stick, but this force feed back is cool.
