Long-EZ of IndiaFoxtEcho


Maybe you dont know but Dino is working on the first his addon for MSFS and yes - it will be civil aircraft, Rutan Long-EZ.
Till now as I remember Long-EZ was done from Virtavia only (quite nice addon), so Im very curious of new Dino's addon.
Few his pictures:

It will be payware addon (Simmarket). Now its on Beta stage so September maybe?
Dino is almost done with testing. He is hoping to have the manual and paint kit posted at his site tomorrow. That's not a promise, just what he's hoping to do.
UPDATE: Long EZ is back in the hangar for maintainance...
Thing is Microsoft has decided to hold the release of the Long-EZ to the Marketplace, but it is for a good reason: they have decided to change the flight model to properly support canard airplanes.
Currently the flight model of my Long-EZ is a "traditional" flight model, tweaked to mimic the aircraft performance... result is good enough for most users, I guess, but proper canard support would definitely be better.

While I can release it now to other distributors, I think it is better to wait for the update.
Currently estimated release date is October 15th.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

It's awesome the commitment by Asobo to try and get things right. Looking forward to seeing how different the "feel" is going to be, recreating a true canard-configured flight model.
Yeah, I thought that was amazingly great news. Hopefully they'll eventually add electric propulsion to their flight models so we can model one of these. Not to mention all of the eVTOLs on the way.