Long time no see


Charter Member
Hi Guys...long time no see...it's been at least a couple years although I checked in when I bought a copy of FSX and couldn't re-install on Win8....so, yesterday I finally got around to re-installing CFS3 and of course can't find all the discs I had made of odds and ends....so, where can I find the remade cockpits for the stock planes? Like I say it's been awhile and I've forgotten where to find certain things...like the mudpond stuff..etc. An ugly divorce and poverty and all kinds of health trips have kind of shattered my world for awhile but, I'm a survivor and get a great deal of joy from these sims....and I kind of miss some of you gents besides!!

Oh Yeah...I forgot to say that when I installed CFS3 on my Win8 machine, it played well right out of the box...no having to mess around with the config...all the colors and detail were dead on.
A few things have changed since you left...


Two things (well three)

middle - great to see you back
Major magee - thanks for having a screen shot with that plane, makes me feel good that folks still fly her.
Hobbit thanks also for the pic flying the HE177, these changes to the water have made me exciting about Coastal Command and Sea Eagles and finishing up a few things.....

Ted, I and many owe you a BIG Thank You, your work has improved our CFS3 and expansions experience beyond belief..
A true Master , indeed!!
:applause: :applause: :applause:
Hi Guys...long time no see...it's been at least a couple years although I checked in when I bought a copy of FSX and couldn't re-install on Win8....so, yesterday I finally got around to re-installing CFS3 and of course can't find all the discs I had made of odds and ends....so, where can I find the remade cockpits for the stock planes? Like I say it's been awhile and I've forgotten where to find certain things...like the mudpond stuff..etc. An ugly divorce and poverty and all kinds of health trips have kind of shattered my world for awhile but, I'm a survivor and get a great deal of joy from these sims....and I kind of miss some of you gents besides!!

Oh Yeah...I forgot to say that when I installed CFS3 on my Win8 machine, it played well right out of the box...no having to mess around with the config...all the colors and detail were dead on.


Welcome back, bud.


Mudpond is still active site: http://www.mudpond.org/

So is Reg's Hangar Index: http://www.regshanger.com/

...and Beau Brummie's site: http://www.beauscfs3.leaveningonline.com/

The full load of MAW is here now: http://www.mrjmaint.com/CFS3/

Korean Skies, the full load, is here at SOH now: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?catid=166

www.aussiex.org has:

CFS3 ETO Expansion 10
CFS3 ETO Expansion Cumulative Update 1.20
ETO FirePower USAAF HeavyBombers2
CFS3 ETO Expansion Cumulative Update 1.40 Install Pack
CFS3 ETO Exp Cumulative Update 1.40 Hotfix Install Pack

(NOTE: The Update and Hotfix 1.30 and 1.31 were included in Update and Hotfix 1.40 and were dropped.)

PTO Build 1.4 Main Base Install
PTO Update 1.0
PTO Update 1.13
PTO Update 1.22
PTO Update 1.30
PTO Update 1.40
PTO Update 1.54

The Battle of Britain for CFS3

CFS3 PTO Rising Sun (OPTIONAL: You can download the entire pack at once or get all 8 parts and the Mole Fix separately.)
CFS3 PTO Rising Sun Beta Hotfix Mini-Update
CFS3 PTO Rising Sun Special Update Beaufort Package Install Pack

SOH also has the entire AvHistory catalog: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?catid=72

...as are some Netwings offerings: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?catid=127

Thanks guys..it's nice to be home again...That's great Grizz...I really needed to track down some stuff.Thanks.
Just say thanks to Griz too..I've bookmarked this post it's a really Brilliant list of how to find stuff......might be worth considering if it were to be into tbe permant 'Sticky Thread' stuff etc above; so new/old hands can find it quickly.......anyway thankyou: neat.
iTS GREAT TO BE HERE...I JUST HAD A MARATHON D-LOADING SESSION TO CATCH UP ON SOME THINGS THAT HAPPENED IN MY ABSENSE...(oops....capslok was on)...now if I can't figure out how to get all the new stuff to work in Win8, I'll be a happy camper....I got a new machine a year ago and it's very fast and all that but I hate the fact that I can't easily access "privileges" to get to some of the folders...so, anyone who has any familiarity with Win8, I'd love to hear from ya...I'm really looking forward to running ETO and MAW and Rising sun now that I have a machine that's capable of running all the stuff and a big monitor to view it with...so far, stock CFS3 looks great after I added a few minor changes. The major problem I'm having is getting to the apps data folder. Has anyone here installed the theaters running Win8???
The major problem I'm having is getting to the apps data folder.

The universal answer to that in XP, Vista and Win7 has been to type %appdata%\Microsoft in the address bar of Explorer. Give that a try in Win8?
Yeh, I finally discovered the path last night...here's the weird thing about Win8...the sim saves the app data folder in three separate places. there's a cfs3 folder in "documents", one in the aforementioned path and one in
the program files folder....I was wondering why the sim would crash every time I was in campaign mode....so, I deleted the folders from documents and program files and it worked ok....what I want to know is there a way to somehow dictate the correct path to where the sim is saving the data...??? Meanwile I think I will take a go at installing ETO and then Rising sun and see what happens....I sure did like the ease of XP but I have to admit that CFS3 is looking better and runs smoother then at any other time on my old machine...I've got all the scenery sliders maxed in the config and it's really nice with very good frame rates.
I'll try and follow the Win7 advice for installing the add-ons....we'll see what happens and I'll keep you updated as I discover quirks....thanks for the tips and help.
Hi Clive..yeh its been a couple years I guess...a couple of the hardest years I've ever lived thru in my almost 64 years. But I'm still alive and kickin and trying to figure out how to run CFS3 in Win8 without having it crash....the missions seem to run ok altho they crash too from time to time...