Look into the Replay report - very interesting infos!


The Bordeaux-Red Baron
Just had a very good and intense flight (see thread: First kills with Jasta 2...)
After the flight, I viewed the Replay report, and I was quite amazed about the detailed information I got!
I recommend to everyone, to look into there after landing.

So I could see, why we didn't meet up with the Roland CII "Walfisch" reconnaissance planes:
they had been shot up north-west of the spot, were we had our dogfight with the Nupes.
I got detailed info about how many rounds I had shot when, and at whom.
So, I read, that my most shots were made from a distance of 400 - 460 feet! I hadn't expected it to be
so far. Some shots were made from 150 - 200 feet - still not very close!
This was due to the manoeuverability of the Nieuport 16 planes. I just couldn't get closer behind them,
and had to shoot, when there was any chance.
I realised, that the planes' differences were very fine worked out by the programmer.
My Albatros D II was rather humble, compared to the Nupes - no chance for a tight turn-fight.
The Nupes could dance around me like fairies. But, they also were as frail and feathery as fairies.
My plane was very solid and rugged, and they had only one single gun.

A last thing I noticed in the Replay report, was, how many other actions had taken place in that short
time in such a small area. Apart from my Rolands, three Albatros D II, two F.E.'s and three Nieuports
were destroyed, not very far from us.

I must say, this is an enormous step from P2 by the devs. What a long desired present you made us!
Thank you all!