Look what's just landed..

Pat Pattle

I don't think that the ground crew at West Malling have ever seen one!

(Another nice model kindly donated by Ted Cooke)
this will be the best newyear , i smell leds release soon on malta , hobbit is ready new year i pray on the updated version for maw a special of his , and now im also thinking pat...soon bob update

i love you masters ............
It does have the Agcat look to it from that angle. Nice to have another training model available. Nice work!
You got the smoothing issue sorted out then! :salute: It wasn't something to do with welding vertices on the conversion, perchance?
No smoothing yet Tom, just wanted to get it into the sim to see how she looked. :)

A Miles Master M9 mk1, this will hopefully see the light of day sometime in 2013 (after the Tigermoth, Rapide and Harrow hopefully!)

