Looking for a B-29A Enola Gay skin and a FireFly


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I've been looking through archives of old add on sites to see if by chance there's anything of interest that I could download, I did find stuff of interest, but the actual downloads do not work.

So I ask if any of you have either of the following:

FP B-29A Enola Gay skin by greycap.raf

dpc_Firefly_mkiv by moi1000

Not sure what the chances are that anyone has either, but I figure it's worth at least asking.

Cheers, LAN
Indeed I still do have the old B-29 skin. Be warned - the quality isn't quite up to date... but PM me your email address and I'll send it to you.
I have the Firefly. If you want it just PM me your email address and I'll send the zip file. Don't forget to specify the particular one you are after.
Final message on this topic from me.

Received the Firefly and got it working, had to fix a minor issue due to a missing shared folder that Daiwilletti unfortunately doesn't have, luckily it wasn't much of a set back.

Thanks to both of you for the help!