Looking for a few files...


Staff member
Good morning,

I'm getting back into SOH after too long of a time away, and have been dusting off some of the library files. I have noticed several uploads that have .jpg/jpeg files, but no uploads because the picture was uploaded and not the file. For the FS 2004 library, these repaints/skins are missing the upload file:

Uploader: Wild Bill Kelso

MAAM C-47 Buffalo Airways.zip

If anyone can re-upload this, that will restore another file to the library.


  • 78781612272404.jpg
    25.4 KB · Views: 96

Good morning,

I'm getting back into SOH after too long of a time away, and have been dusting off some of the library files. I have noticed several uploads that have .jpg/jpeg files, but no uploads because the picture was uploaded and not the file. For the FS 2004 library, these repaints/skins are missing the upload file:

Uploader: sokotai (2007-07-17 18:37:20)

North American P-51D "118th Black Lightning".zip

If anyone can re-upload this, that will restore another file to the library.


  • 29561612126645.jpg
    39.6 KB · Views: 94

Good morning,

I'm getting back into SOH after too long of a time away, and have been dusting off some of the library files. I have noticed several uploads that have .jpg/jpeg files, but no uploads because the picture was uploaded and not the file. For the FS 2004 library, these repaints/skins are missing the upload file:

Uploader: Sean Doran (2005-05-03 06:21:08)

Su-34 Red 90.zip


  • 36621612135097.jpg
    9.3 KB · Views: 91

Good morning,

I'm getting back into SOH after too long of a time away, and have been dusting off some of the library files. I have noticed several uploads that have .jpg/jpeg files, but no uploads because the picture was uploaded and not the file. For the FS 2004 library, these repaints/skins are missing the upload file:

Uploader: dswart (2005-05-30 08:31:28)



  • 16631612136950.jpg
    29 KB · Views: 92
Good morning,

I'm getting back into SOH after too long of a time away, and have been dusting off some of the library files. I have noticed several uploads that have .jpg/jpeg files, but no uploads because the picture was uploaded and not the file. For the FS 2004 library, these repaints/skins are missing the upload file:

Uploader: Wild Bill Kelso

MAAM C-47 Buffalo Airways.zip

If anyone can re-upload this, that will restore another file to the library.

Uploaded, as requested. Only one on that list that I have, sorry.
MAAM C-47 Buffalo Airways, reupload


A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category FS 2004 Civilian propeller skins

Description: Reupload of the MAAM C-47 Buffalo Airways.zip by Wild Bill Kelso

Two repaints for the MAAM-SIM C-47, depicting the
Buffalo Airways C-FLFR (pax version) and C-GPNR (cargo version). Buffalo Airways is a family run charter and scheduled airline based in Hay River, Northwest Territories, Canada. It was established in 1970 and operates scheduled passenger services and cargo and passenger charter services, as well as firefighting and fuel services. These are texture files only! Prior installation of the MAAM-SIM DC-3/C-47/R4D base pack, the 'OY-BPB Expansion Pack' and the 'All Theaters Expansion Pack', available from Mid-Atlantic Air Museum Simulations (MAAM-SIM) at www.maam.org is required. This repaint was made using the repaint kit by Mark "Dark Moment" Beaumont and additional textures by Tim Scharnhop, used with permission.

by Wild Bill Kelso

To check it out, rate it or add comments, visit MAAM C-47 Buffalo Airways, reupload
The comments you make there will appear in the posts below.