Looking for a FS9 scenery.cfg tool ?


Have been looking for for a scenery.cfg tool , if there is such a thing ? It seems to me I,ve seen one of these around a long time ago . I've deleted and added so much scenery from FS9 (Over 320 entries now) I've been trying to edit(re do) my scenery.cfg in FS9 . I've always made sure I deleted a scenery from within FS9 (Library) first before messing with the scenery.cfg file . I'm trying to get rid of duplicate Areas( 2 Area51,s :example) and renumbering and going through over 320 entries is a real P.I.A if you know what I mean . Anyone who might want to steer me in the right direction would be much appreciated .

Rich (I'll keep looking around):guinness:
I'd highly recommend this one here:

FS2004 (ACOF) - Misc. FS2004 FS Scenery Manager
[SIZE=-1][ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: fsscen16.zip Size: 206,821 Date: 02-10-2009 Downloads: 953
[SIZE=-1] FS2004 FS Scenery Manager v1.6. A utility to manage scenery. It allows you to classify scenery into a folder, for simplified management of several sceneries with one click. By Lionel Uzan.[/SIZE]

Can't live without it...
