Looking for a fuel flow gauge.....


Staff member
There's probably not one out there, but I'm looking for a vintage looking fuel flow gauge that will show total fuel flow. The JBK Boeing 307 hasn't got one and I've been flying lately wanting to keep a better eye on the fuel other than how much is in the tanks.

I hate it when the engines suck out all the gas and then go quiet.....
Have a search for 'rg_fstt3.zip' as that is a set of gauges Rob tipped me off to when I was setting up all my FS2004 RTWR race aircraft panels earlier this year.

I think it will do what you want and I have included a snippet from the 'read me' below:

The airspeed gauge will change its units of display when left-clicked.
The display is initially Knots and changes to MPH then KPH then back
to Knots on each click. This applies to the stand-alone gauge and the
airspeed gauge that appears in some of the fuel status gauges.
The airspeed value is TAS or IAS and dependent on the realism settings.
The groundspeed value is true groundspeed in the forward direction.
The groundspeed value is not reliable while on the ground.

The gauge has on the left top a low-fuel indicator that indicates the
Microsoft FS2000 low-fuel status. It flashes red then turns solid red
driven by the built-in FS2000 code. I haven't been able to confirm
what MSFS thinks is a low-fuel condition. It seems to be arbitrary but
is most useful for large jet aircraft - disregard this indicator when
the gauge is used in any small aircraft.

On the top left is a units indicator light. You can left click it to
change the units used in the display. When green it uses US/English
units and when yellow it uses Metric units.

On the bottom of the gauge are the following indicators/buttons:
FLOW : fuelflow
REM : remaining fuel
USED : fuel used so far
TtoE : time to empty in hours:mins
RNG : range (until empty)

Units used:
GPH - gallons per hour
PPH - pounds per hour
LPH - liters per hour
KgH - kilograms per hour
GAL - gallons
LBS - pounds
L - liters
Kg - kilograms
NM - nautical miles
MI - US miles
Knt - Knots
MPH - miles per hour
KM - kilometers
KPH - kilometers per hour
Even though it's not vintage....I agree. That's the one I have used on many panels. It's available at flightsim.

FS2002/FS2004 RKG_fuelstat.gau v2.1.1. A fuel status gauge, now with support for Win98/ME/2000/XP. This gauge file contains a set of fuel status gauges in round and square styles and an airspeed/groundspeed gauge. All gauges support FS98/FS2000/FS2004/CFS/CFS2 type aircraft of reciprocating, turbine, and FS98 prop and jet types. By Robert K. Guy. (Previous version had 1824 downloads.)