Looking for Adventure?


Staff member
The 75th Anniversary of the 1934 MacRobertson London to Melbourne race is coming up on October 20th and to celebrate, we're going to fly it again. It'll be fly at your own pace and we're looking at a Golden Age class and a Modern GA class (if there's enough interest). This will be in both FSX and FS2004.

Are you up to the challenge?

Not sure if I'm up to the challenge (not sure if I could balance an air race with RL concerns) but it sure looks like fun. If I did pull it off I'd be game for one of Lockheed's 'wooden wonders' myself (default Vega most likely but Jens' Orion looks tempting as well)
That's the beauty of fly at your own pace. We'll be allowing over a month to finish and if there's enough folks still out at the end of November, we'll extend it longer.
Interesting. I don't have that kind of free time so can I fly the SR-71? hehe, just kidding. That must have been a brutal trip back in the day.