Looking for an AI DHC6 model


I am coming up empty here. I have found only one DHC6 FlyBe texture for AI by Symon Long but can't identify which model it needs to be attached to. The readme references "PAI / HTAI (Henry Tomkiewicz) DHC6 Twin Otter base model required" but it will not show on Henrys HTAI, sim=AI DHC6v2 since the texture reads sim=paidhc6_2v61. Does anyone know what this paidhc6_2v61 model is?
The Sim= line points to the .air file. Try changing that line to point to the .air file you already have and see if that helps.
I made sure the model text matched but no luck. I've emailed the texture author for help so we'll see. Thanks.

I've gotten amnesia how to use the PAI installer but I'm trying to install packages that ought to have the aircraft in it.
The easiest solution would be trying to find the paint for Dee Waldron's DHC-6.

Other than that, flightsimmer.com has all the former Project AI models (which the paint from your post is for), but you need the PAI installer to install even the aircraft models. And getting the installer to run in Windows 7 is a bit hit-and-miss.
Heard back from Symon the texture author who cheerfully included a model to make the texture work, which it did. Anyone who wants it shoot me a PM. I am getting my AI feet wet and wanted some traffic around Barra and the Isles and this was one I wanted for some authenticity.