Looking for AvHistory Meteor III by Joe Rachal


Charter Member
Does anyone have the AvHistory version of the Joe "Joe Daddy" Rachal Meteor III? I believe the FM is for the early short nacelle version and I'd like to try it out. I already have the later versions that are available here.

BTW, Clive, hows the Meteor F.I project?
Check your folder on the ETO team FPT..
Sent ya a set of these, all Mk III's ..
AVH models are three of them, and one single Separate model.
Have you tried AlphaSim's Meteor ? It's free and it has the short nacelle version . Sorry Pat about your rig. Mine is doa and using a laptop temporally :banghead:
Thanks, Owen, just what I was looking for. And yes, the alpha sim model is part of the plan too. I'll be using that model with the AvHistory FM.

Sorry to hear about the PC Clive, I know you were looking forward to it. Hopefully you can get it sorted out soon.
I was doing some research on the wartime F.IIIs. It seems only the first batch of 15 powered by the Rolls-Royce Welland actually saw combat. I haven't found a date when the first Meteors with the improved Derwent engine became operational, but I've seen no evidence of them being used before hostilities ended, while the Welland powered examples definitely were. So for our purposes, the F.I and the F.III will be virtually identical from the FM standpoint (the F.III apparently carried a little more fuel). This also seems to indicate that the use of bombs, rockets, and external fuel tanks was likely also a post war development, meaning the wartime ground attack missions would have been all strafing attacks.

I also found that a Welland is still in working condition as the oldest running turbojet in the world! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkx9fUGJvZc
Oops, nevermind that, I spoke too soon. Derwent powered Meteors did see action as I found two were destroyed in a collision over Germany in April 45.