Looking for B-24 movie star


Charter Member
I'm getting ready to start a short computer movie about a mission flown by the husband of a friend of my Mom's. He flew 50 missions in B-24s and he wrote out a short description of what he called his "hairiest" mission.

I need a model that can feather the individual props. I have the freeware AlphaSim B-24, but I can't see a way to feather the props. Do the owners of the WOP B-24 or the later AS B-24 know if their props can be feathered?

I'm getting ready to start a short computer movie about a mission flown by the husband of a friend of my Mom's. He flew 50 missions in B-24s and he wrote out a short description of what he called his "hairiest" mission.

I need a model that can feather the individual props. I have the freeware AlphaSim B-24, but I can't see a way to feather the props. Do the owners of the WOP B-24 or the later AS B-24 know if their props can be feathered?

The alpha B24 is set for prop feather
but it needs a gauge to use it
if you are familiar with gauges its easy
Sorry, I didn't get back to you X_eidos2. I've been right in the middle of re-installing both FSX and FS9, HD switch amoung other computer problems. I'm certain that the AS B-24 can be set up for individual prop feathering and control. I usually use my CH Quadrant throttle. I just haven't flown the AS 24 in a while.
On Alpha's freeware version, I just use shift+4 to bring up the throttle panel and shutdown the levers for whatever engine I want to be out...and the 4 red engine control buttons at top center of the 2D panel shut down the individual engines (just remember to press the corresponding button again to get a restart). The props don't actually feather (visually) however, but at least the engine is down.

The payware version of Apha's Liberator do feather very nicely though via levers and prop switches.
Here's Alpha's freeware B-24 with no. 3 out and feathered. Even though the props don't visually feather, if you follow the normal procedures to feather a prop they shut down and won't windmill.

Thank you gentlemen for the info. Thank you Dognot for taking the time to make the screenshots. Since the story involves losing all 4 engines by the time it lands at it's base in Italy after a bomb run over Ploesti (not the low-level attack), having a good model of a feathered engine is important. Using the FSRecorder module I can duplicate a recorded flight for the B-24 and have custom models of feathered props fly along
"in close formation."
X eidos2 -

The now "A2A" original B-24 for FS9, "Faithful Old Pig", comes with featherable props and they do operate either with an assigned stick or throttle button or within both the 2D and 3D pits. And it comes in both "D" and "J" models. Not sure if it is still available.

Here's Alpha's freeware B-24 with no. 3 out and feathered. Even though the props don't visually feather, if you follow the normal procedures to feather a prop they shut down and won't windmill.
I added feather gauges to it
but get the same results as you