Looking for CFS3 DVD version! (by Ubisoft, I think)



Does anybody know where I could order the (Ubisoft?) DVD version of CFS3? My original CFS3 CDs are scratched, and now I need a new copy of the game, but I really want to get the DVD version if it can be found. Thank you kindly for any leads!


I had a site, but they are sold out.

but, this is a bar code for the product. Now, it may be for overseas sales only, as all that come up in a google search is overseas. If i happen to find another one, i will post it for you

so,,do a search on the code, and hope that something closer comes up.

Hi there

I was looking for one back when we were building the P3 installer. At the time it seemed to be only available in Australia/New Zealand, South Africa and Germany. In the end I got a German friend to order one for me. Now I owe her a copy of BHAH :)

The UBI DVD has five verisons of CFS on it in five different languages. So no need to worry about that aspect.

If you have EB Games close to you. They may be able to get a DVD copy. They distribute them in Australia anyway.
They are also easy to make backups from. Just copy the english or whatever language you want to your backup USB drive or what ever. Never have to woory about loosing your installer again. But the Ub isoft DVD is only patched to 3.1, not 3.
1a so you still need the last patch.

Now I should keep my eye out for another copy in the after Christmas specials.

Just curious if this will work on computers here in the u.s?