Looking for dynamic gunsight entries for MAW Ms-406 FFF2


I didn't find any dynamic gunsight info for any MS-406 aircraft. I did see that the aircraft file lists both reflector sight and fixed sight.
The dynamic reticule is a very recent invention and is not a standard fit by any stretch of the imagination.

The original MAW MS.406 was built in 2007 if I remember rightly. We are actually in the process of doing an update of this aircraft, but for the time being, we are not able to release odd bits here and there.

We will get around to releasing it sooner or later, but there is more to be done than you might expect.


You can add this line to the effects section of the DR_MS406_AX675.XDP file to have the appropriate dynamic gunsight.

<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="FR_OPL_4_gunsight" PosX="0.000" PosZ="-1.066" PosY="1.22" Pitch="90" MinVel="-999999" MaxVel="999999"/>

p.s. In the category of it's a small world I noticed a Scintilla data plate on the dash panel of the MS.406. Back in the late 80s I worked in the Amphenol Bendix plant in Sidney, NY making electrical connectors. The old timers there told me the history of the place starting with automobile assembly around WWI and then switching to magnetos. During WW2 it made almost all of the magnetos used by our Allison powered military aircraft (>150,000). The company name had been... Scintilla.