Looking for dynamic gunsight entries for MAW P-40


I can't get the dynamic gunsight to work on the MAW Tomahawk MK 2B 498 (DR_P-40C_498). It might help if I knew how to figure out what sight is used and if it had the dynamic info for it.
The cockpit file references reticle_us.dds so AnKor's Shaders should be able to replace it without any editing other than adding the effects to the xdp file.

P-40B/C Tomahawk
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="US_AAF_N6a_gunsight" PosX="-0.005" PosZ="-0.80" PosY="0.7525" Pitch="90.5" MinVel="-999999" MaxVel="999999"/>