Looking for effects


Kurier auf Stube...pauke!
Staff member
This is listed in the acc_fire_light xdp but I can't find it in the BoB effects and not the ETO. Can someone check the MAW effects and see?


That one didn't make it into the all-in-one effects.xml we did a couple of years ago. (Easy to check since it's sorted alphabetically).

We drew in all the effects we could find from CFS3, ETO, Korea, MAW, PTO, RS, BoB, and FP.

We did not borrow anything from WOFF or WOTR, so perhaps that's where it is?
This is listed in the acc_fire_light xdp but I can't find it in the BoB effects and not the ETO. Can someone check the MAW effects and see?



That could be a Clive and Steve concoction/production.
Couldn't find in any install inc WOTR, and variations on name.

EDIT so fasr traced the xdp back to a folder in Airfield Construction Corps\GL&Airfields_220408\Vehicles daterd 2-0111 but the xdp seems to be 2006
Found it I think

<fx_acc_fire_light ClassName="GroupEffect" Effect0="acc_torch_fire" Effect1="acc_torch_halo" Effect2="acc_torch_far"/>
<acc_torch_fire ClassName="ParticleEffect" EmitterShape="sphere" EmitterRadius="1" EmitterLifetime="0" EmitterPosX="0" EmitterPosY="0" EmitterPosZ="0" ZBias="0.1" EmissionAngleHoriz="0" EmissionAngleVert="0" EmissionSpread="13" EmissionRate="15" EmissionRateVar="0" InitialDelay="0" InitialCount="0" MinDistance="0" MaxDistance="20000" StopMethod="0" ZSort="1" UprightSprite="0" RandomStartRotation="0" RandomRotationDirection="1" Lifetime=".3" LifetimeVar=".2" Speed="1.5" SpeedVar="1" MaxSpeed="200" MaxSpeedVar="0.0" Accel="0" AccelVar="0" AccelTime="3" Gravity="0" Drag="0" DragDelay="0" InheritVelocity="0" Size=".6" SizeVar=".75" MaxSize=".0001" MaxSizeVar="0" GrowRate=".01" GrowRateVar="0" RotationRate="30" RotationRateVar="20" FadeInTime=".1" InitialColor="255 255 255" InitialAlpha="125" Color="255 207 185" Alpha="150" FadeOutTime=".15" FinalColor="244 189 62" FinalAlpha="75" Texture="fire2.dds" BlendMode="Add"/>
<acc_torch_halo ClassName="ParticleEffect" EmitterShape="sphere" EmitterRadius="1" EmitterLifetime="0" EmitterPosX="0" EmitterPosY="0" EmitterPosZ="0" ZBias="0" EmissionAngleHoriz="0" EmissionAngleVert="0" EmissionSpread="0" EmissionRate="4" EmissionRateVar="2" InitialDelay="0" InitialCount="0" MinDistance="0" MaxDistance="20000" StopMethod="0" ZSort="1" UprightSprite="0" RandomStartRotation="0" RandomRotationDirection="0" Lifetime=".5" LifetimeVar=".2" Speed="0" SpeedVar="0" MaxSpeed="0" MaxSpeedVar="0" Accel="0" AccelVar="0" AccelTime="0" Gravity="0" Drag="0" DragDelay="0" InheritVelocity="0" Size="5" SizeVar="1" MaxSize="7" MaxSizeVar="1" GrowRate="0.5" GrowRateVar="1.2" RotationRate="0" RotationRateVar="0" FadeInTime=".2" InitialColor="255 255 220" InitialAlpha="20" Color="240 240 120" Alpha="10" FadeOutTime="0.1" FinalColor="200 200 60" FinalAlpha="0" Texture="shock1white.dds" BlendMode="Add"/>
<acc_torch_far ClassName="MuzzleFlash" MinDistance="50" MaxDistance="20000" Length="2.5" LengthVar="1" Width="1" WidthVar=".25" SideTexture="" EndTexture="acc_fire2.dds" BlendMode="Add"/>
<acc_off_chimney_Smoke ClassName="ParticleEffect" EmitterShape="sphere" EmitterRadius="1" EmitterLifetime="0" EmitterPosX="0" EmitterPosY="1" EmitterPosZ="0" ZBias="0.001" EmissionAngleHoriz="0" EmissionAngleVert="0" EmissionSpread="15" EmissionRate="8" EmissionRateVar="0" InitialDelay="0" InitialCount="0" MinDistance="0" MaxDistance="6000" StopMethod="0" ZSort="1" UprightSprite="0" RandomStartRotation="1" RandomRotationDirection="1" Lifetime="5" LifetimeVar="1" Speed="1" SpeedVar="0" MaxSpeed="10" MaxSpeedVar="3" Accel="0" AccelVar="0.0" AccelTime="1" Gravity="1" Drag=".01" DragDelay="0" InheritVelocity="0" Size="2" SizeVar="2" MaxSize="15" MaxSizeVar="3" GrowRate="1.5" GrowRateVar=".3" RotationRate="15" RotationRateVar="7" FadeInTime=".9" InitialColor="150 150 150" InitialAlpha="10" Color="150 150 150" Alpha="60" FadeOutTime="1" FinalColor="130 130 130" FinalAlpha="0" Texture="cloudpuff.dds" BlendMode="QuadSprite"/>

goes along with

<fx_acc_electric_light ClassName="GroupEffect" Effect0="acc_electric_light_a" Effect1="acc_electric_light_b"/>
<acc_electric_light_a ClassName="MuzzleFlash" Length="1" LengthVar=".0" Width="1" WidthVar=".0" SideTexture="" EndTexture="fox_runway_lamp.dds" BlendMode="Add"/>
<acc_electric_light_b ClassName="ParticleEffect" EmitterShape="sphere" EmitterRadius="1" EmitterLifetime="90" EmitterPosX="0" EmitterPosY="0" EmitterPosZ="0" ZBias="0" EmissionAngleHoriz="0" EmissionAngleVert="0" EmissionSpread="0" EmissionRate="100" EmissionRateVar="0" InitialDelay="0" InitialCount="0" MinDistance="0" MaxDistance="20000" StopMethod="0" ZSort="1" UprightSprite="0" RandomStartRotation="0" RandomRotationDirection="0" Lifetime="1" LifetimeVar="0.0" Speed="0" SpeedVar="0" MaxSpeed="0" MaxSpeedVar="0" Accel="0" AccelVar="0" AccelTime="0" Gravity="0" Drag="0" DragDelay="0" InheritVelocity="0" Size="1.5" SizeVar="0" MaxSize="1.5" MaxSizeVar="0" GrowRate="0.5" GrowRateVar="1.2" RotationRate="0" RotationRateVar="0" FadeInTime=".0" InitialColor="254 254 254" InitialAlpha="1" Color="254 254 254" Alpha="1" FadeOutTime="0.0" FinalColor="254 254 254" FinalAlpha="1" Texture="shock1white1.dds" BlendMode="Add"/>
<acc_electric_light_d ClassName="Shockwave" PullOnGround="1" CountCycles="1" Pulse="0" InitialDelay="0" Duration="600" FadeInTime="1" FadeOutTime="30" Pause="0" PosX="0" PosY="0" PosZ="0" InitialSize="2.5" FinalSize="2.5" Texture="acc_light_glow.dds" BlendMode="QuadSprite"/>
Are these effects only in vehicles? Is it worth adding to the combined effects xml? I notice the Mogami cruisers and generic Japanese destroyers have bespoke effects which I have planned to put into the xml.
Up date


Have the fire working. Had to copy and rename a couple of dds files and add them to nightsprites in the textmagic.ini file. But the fires look great and only burn at night. Can make a alltime fire too but maybe later on. Oh, had to make a new .m3d file as the one in acc_fire_light did not work. The electric light, should be simple enough too, just not sure I need it right now. Thanks for all the feedback! Yes these are vehicle files.
