Looking For Help With Flight Model


Charter Member
Hi all,

I posted this (https://www.fsdeveloper.com/forum/threads/flight-model-expert-required.451419/) on the fsdeveloper site and want to post here for those that may not go there.

I am working on getting the CT-114 Canadair Tutor into MSFS 2020. It originally started out for FS2004 back in the day using FSDS and the was moved up to the other versions. That was a lot of fun. Well Blender came along and decided to re-do the Tutor from the ground up. An officer with the RCAF saw some early screenshots of the Tutor (posted here and at the above site...) and got a hold of me. We originally were on track for FSX/P3D but with 2020's VR, who could resist.

2020's FM is way more complex than what I for FSX FM, well at least to me it is. Even the FSX one I have no clue what I am doing, I had another do that but he doesn't do those anymore.

So if interested in helping getting the Tutor to fly as close to real as possible, please let me know. As the other thread says, we do have access to almost everything you'd need for the Tutor along with pilots that fly the real one daily.


I know Warchild is our resident flight model expert here. You might try pinging her (Pam) to see if she has any tips on where to find better info on flight models.

Also, I'm psyched that you're working on a Tutor! I have lots of Canadian family and would love to fly the Snowbirds and other versions... There are lots of cool paint schemes used over the years!
If you don't have a lot of experience with flight dynamics you will find the hill very steep I'm afraid. My best advice to you is:

There is a section in the SDK (I assume you have this) on flight modeling which takes you through the entire process of setting up your model and fine tuning it. Beware though, a LOT of what is said there is simply untrue - you need a fair amount of experimentation to get anything to fly right. However, a little common sense and bucketloads of patience should get you through to something which at least behaves something like what you would expect. As with any new process there are traps for young players but the aircraft editor does have a good set of debug windows which show exactly what you are getting/achieving, as and when you make changes. Read the SDK. Thoroughly. Good luck.
Oh one other thing, make sure you are working in "modern" flight model mode NOT "legacy" , you'll be chasing rainbows otherwise.:engel016:
Thanks for the replies and the suggestions. I have read the SDK, a few times but flight tuning is still something magical to me and I have too much on my plate to get the Tutor going. I have a couple replies for help, so thanks to those people that are offering to help. That is going to be awesome.