Looking for older FS98/2000/2002/2004 boxed add-ons


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I already collect video games so i figured i may aswell test the waters to see how viable/pointless collecting the older boxed addon's for MSFS is. I figure not alot of people probably bothered to keep these around when they moved to the latest and greatest in Flight Simulation and I'm guessing the few who did probably threw them in a crate and forgot about them so I'm hoping my theory that I've beaten the curb on them becoming collectable.
Does anybody know where i can get these in large abundance or have any they'd be willing to sell?
Used Sims

I have FS98, FS2000, FS2002, CFS3, FLY! (Cessna around San Francisco), and FSX Regular (I moved up to Gold/Acceleration). I have FS2004 in metal tin but won't part with that one. I need it. You can get most of these at Amazon. They sell New and Used (price varies with condition). What I have listed above would go from $130 to $160. But I am not thinking of selling them. Just trying to help with info/estimates.
Chuck B
I wish you'd asked a year or so ago, before I threw out the older ones I'll never use, like CFS1, FS98, FS2K, FS2002, Crimson Skies. Gone now.