Looking for small business jet recommendations


I know this tends to be a military aircraft forum. Still, I see a lot of threads on civilian aircraft. I rarely fly military jets in MSFS. For that there is DCS. I mostly fly GA aircraft in MSFS.

I tend to limit the number of aircraft I fly. This is because I have trouble remembering all the systems and flight characteristics of each airplane. So, I will fly one or two for each category. For instance, for just punching holds in clouds I fly Dean's PT-17 Stearman. I like it. It is easy to fly and simple.

For a little faster airspeed and simple acro there is SWS's RV-10. If I want to do some short X-Country flying, I will jump into the Moody Bravo. It too, is easy to fly and rather, IMO, high fidelity in its flight characteristics.

My favorite GA aircraft is the Pilatus PC-12. I got two right seat rides in one while in Alaska and loved it. Currently flying the Carenado’s version, but soon I hope to upgrade to the SWS’ version. If you noticed, I keep going faster with each aircraft. So on to jets.

I do not fly airliners or very complex jets. I would like to find a good business jet for longer x-country flights. I used to fly the Flysimware’s Lear 35, but it is not available in MSFS. So, any opinions on which one (is) is (are) realistic? I am willing to learn a new aircraft if it seems realistic and has a good FM.
I'm not knowledgeable enough to comment on accuracy, but I enjoy the HondaJet.


HondaJet is my choice to fly a jet at the moment:

- Very nicely model
- Flight-dynamics feel real and smooth
- Very automated like the real one (this can be a dis advance if you do not like that)
- For a small bizzjet it has a high cruisespeed and cruisealt
- Still active being updated (update in the works, to get the Navigraph charts activate again).

I have both the Honda Jet and Vision, both are very nice. I hope we see more Bizjets soon. I miss flying the Xtreme Prototypes Lear 25 and a few others. Hope they get rebuilt for this sim.
I really love the Cirrus Vision Jet. Fun to fly, can land on reasonably short fields, really wonderful flight modeling and visuals.

I understand the HondaJet is similar quality, and I’ll likely pick that up if it ever goes on discount.
I've flown the latest updated Vision Jet once, but I had severe issues with Otto. Using FLC mode to climb to a commanded 15,000', climb rate was all over the place from 500 to 1600+, and then it kept climbing past 16,000'. I just ended the flight at the point. I may try again this weekend.
The stock Citation CJ4 with the Working Title mods isn't bad for that GA jet feel. The Proline 21 FMS can be quickly programmed without getting into all the pages.
The stock Citation CJ4 with the Working Title mods isn't bad for that GA jet feel. The Proline 21 FMS can be quickly programmed without getting into all the pages.

I agree 100% This is probably the best recommendation because it's free and can be as simple or powerful as one likes. Also the cold and dark startup is super simple - it's like 3 or button presses hehe.

I also recommend the Vision Jet - they are working on a AAU2 patch for their release that just came out - most of the AP issues I think, stem from the fact that it uses Longitude settings. I believe this is known and the devs will address it.
...Vision Jet - they are working on a AAU2 patch for their release that just came out - most of the AP issues I think, stem from the fact that it uses Longitude settings. I believe this is known and the devs will address it.
That's good to hear. As it is now, the AP is just about unusable.
Even though I recommended the Honda above, I'd have to agree that the stock CJ4 also is a good choice. Now that the Working Title mod is integrated with the base sim, it's a lot better than originally, and if you get the free PMS GNS750, you can pop that up for nav and flight planning and not mess with the FMS.

Even though I recommended the Honda above, I'd have to agree that the stock CJ4 also is a good choice. Now that the Working Title mod is integrated with the base sim, it's a lot better than originally, and if you get the free PMS GNS750, you can pop that up for nav and flight planning and not mess with the FMS.

Thank you everyone for the ideas. I played around with the CJ4 and liked it. The only issue I had was I found it hard to read the PFD, MFD, and especially the FMS with my HP G2 VR headset. I had to lean in to see what I the icon meant. I will read the manual and watch vidios this weekend.
Thank you everyone for the ideas. I played around with the CJ4 and liked it. The only issue I had was I found it hard to read the PFD, MFD, and especially the FMS with my HP G2 VR headset. I had to lean in to see what I the icon meant. I will read the manual and watch vidios this weekend.

I also have a G2 and have the same issue. I even bump the headset on my yoke now and then as I lean in to get closer to the panel. It helps to map a button to cycle through the various panel cameras rather than try to peer at them from the normal pilot view.

Thank you everyone for the ideas. I played around with the CJ4 and liked it. The only issue I had was I found it hard to read the PFD, MFD, and especially the FMS with my HP G2 VR headset. I had to lean in to see what I the icon meant. I will read the manual and watch vidios this weekend.

I also have the same issue. The font is pretty realistic but it can be a little tough to see even in 2D. I frequently use the zoom in key in VR to look at the screens.
Don't you guys fly 2D anymore at all ??....

I LOVE my G2 as well, naturally, but after the dust of being completely focused on VR has settled down now i have put it in the right pespective that works for me. As soon as i have too much trouble reading the gauges and instruments of a certain aircraft, no matter how gorgeous the VR cockpit may look, i'll fly it only in 2D from then on and have absolutely no problem with it.

I have learned to see VR in MSFS as a delicious speciality like a dame blance or crepe suzette or even a Belgian bonbon. You'd be crazy to enjoy a dame blance or crepe suzette every day, right ? If cooked well a normal, healthy dish can almost be as good and you don't get fat. :)

On top of that VR will stay like the super dream come true flightsimming experience, which it actually is of course. That way you don't get used to it which will mean the death of 2D that we simply cannot afford just yet.

My advice, fly more 2D for the sake of your eyes and fly VR just as a delicious dish on the side at special occasions. Determine which couple of aircraft you have the least problem with reading your instruments and use only those to fly in VR.

( that's all until the graphic quality of VR will have matched or even superseded that of 2D, eventually..)

Works for me ! :encouragement:
I also have a G2 and have the same issue. I even bump the headset on my yoke now and then as I lean in to get closer to the panel. It helps to map a button to cycle through the various panel cameras rather than try to peer at them from the normal pilot view.

I tried setting up cameras using the Control Options panel and they won't work in either VR or 2D. I used the forward and backwards buttons and a height switch I have programmed to move closer. I mainly need it for that postage stamp sized FMC. Once the flight plan is programmed, I don't touch it again, so it is good.

I did one short flight of 165 miles, and it seemed nice.
Don't you guys fly 2D anymore at all ??....

I LOVE my G2 as well, naturally, but after the dust of being completely focused on VR has settled down now i have put it in the right pespective that works for me. As soon as i have too much trouble reading the gauges and instruments of a certain aircraft, no matter how gorgeous the VR cockpit may look, i'll fly it only in 2D from then on and have absolutely no problem with it.

I have learned to see VR in MSFS as a delicious speciality like a dame blance or crepe suzette or even a Belgian bonbon. You'd be crazy to enjoy a dame blance or crepe suzette every day, right ? If cooked well a normal, healthy dish can almost be as good and you don't get fat. :)

On top of that VR will stay like the super dream come true flightsimming experience, which it actually is of course. That way you don't get used to it which will mean the death of 2D that we simply cannot afford just yet.

My advice, fly more 2D for the sake of your eyes and fly VR just as a delicious dish on the side at special occasions. Determine which couple of aircraft you have the least problem with reading your instruments and use only those to fly in VR.

( that's all until the graphic quality of VR will have matched or even superseded that of 2D, eventually..)

Works for me ! :encouragement:

I have to disagree with you on the VR vs. 2D. I always fly VR, unless I am setting up controls or testing something.

But then, I am a guy who would eat a dame blance or crepe suzette or even a Belgian bonbon every day. I have to keep Blue Bell ice cream out of the house or I will go through the half-gallon in a day or two.
Ha, Javis! I would say I hate to say I told you so, but actually I LOVE to say I told you so! It seemed like you were lost to the 2D world when you discovered VR a few months ago.

But I'm totally on the same page, as you know. VR is still very cool. But when I want to do any serious navigation, communicate on Vatsim, or just drink in the detail of the aircraft and scenery at full resolution and contrast and ultra settings, it's 2D all the way.

I tried doing a Vatsim IFR flight on VR, juggling all the navaids, charts, radios, ATC instructions, etc., without reference to my other monitor or paper on my desk, and it was a disaster. Props to anyone who can manage it, but it isn't fun for me. Bizjets aren't exactly my "experience the joy of flying" kind of plane, so when I fly one, it's going to be in that kind of context, most likely, which means it'll be 2D.

I am starting to like the CJ4. I have worked around the tiny font issues, for the most part. I like the rather simplicity of the CJ4 vs. the Longitude. I am considering buying the Honda jet, even though I think the engine mounts are weird and take away from the aesthetics of the design.
The HA420's inverted sing pylons are for passenger comfort. Wing mounted engines mean much less engine noise in the cabin, but the plane is too small for standard hanging pylons. It also eliminates the structure and systems between the engines within the fuselage rear section, allowing more room for passengers and cargo.

Honda also claims that the engines are the quietest in their class, which I can attest to, having seen close to a hundred approaches and departures. I live right under the approach to KGSO 23L and I work practically next door to the airport, so I see at least a couple every week flying over.

I had been putting off getting this one for a while, but this discussion has me interested again. I think I'll pull the trigger tomorrow when I fire the sim back up. I also have my eye on a couple of Orbx products. Good thing I got paid yesterday...