Looking for Steve Bryant's paint kit..


I've searched (without success) all over SOH after the paintkit for the brilliant B-26 Marauder by Milton Shupe and his Team. :banghead: Could anyone point me the direction or guide me through this awsome library of addons?:mixed-smiley-010::very_drunk:

In meantime I have borrowed a skin by Mick, based on Steve Bryants paint kit..., I'm trying my painting skills on this awsome classic warbird. If I succeed, the legendary "Flak-Bait" will show up! Really miss this one among all the lovely skins made for this fantastic medium bomber. (This will be for fs2004 only, since I don't use other flightsims..:a1310:)

Work In Progress..
"Flak-Bait" taking form

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In meantime I have borrowed a skin by Mick, based on Steve Bryants paint kit..., I'm trying my painting skills on this awsome classic warbird. If I succeed, the legendary "Flak-Bait" will show up! Really miss this one among all the lovely skins made for this fantastic medium bomber...
Work In Progress..
"Flak-Bait" taking form

You are more than welcome to base your work on one of my skins. I'm happy that you think it's good enough!

I look forward to seeing "Flak Bait!" If you can do the nose art, you are more of an artist than I am!

By the way, I see that the post above has links to an FSX paint kit. I don't recall whether there were separate paint kits for FS9 and FSX, but I have one that definitely works for FS9. If you need it, send me a PM and I'll get a copy to you.