Looking for that Christmas Gift?

That's where I bought my copy of FSX Gold, no complaints......:ernae:
Here's another good one that's still out there to find even tho it hasn't been in a store for a few years.

I ran this for a little over 2 years for the first campaingn we ran over at bombs-away.net. I'll have to get my double stars pinned back on someday and fire up v8thOPS again.
Just did the deed and will soon have FS9 in my hands....which means that I will no longer just be a CFS2 junkie sneaking into your domain...
i will soon be an official Civil Simmer and you folks will be stuck with me!


Come join the RTW Race Team Outhouse and you will never be considered Civil in this crowd. :icon_lol:

Fly it like you stole it :applause:
Nothing real civil about my simming.....I'm the type of guy who will try to do hammerhead stalls in a 767. Pure madness and mayhem.

Used my Paypal account to buy the game and a gift for the Neice. One of them qualified the purchase for cash back of $5.13. :icon_lol:

So the game only cost $4.86 :applause:

I like how you made the savings apply to the new copy of FS2004 instead of your neice's gift. Keeps you from looking like a cheap skate gift giver and opens the door for you to apply your instant savings toward a new piece of payware. Smart thinking there buddy.

Actually the gift was for my Mother inlaw she is giving it to the Neice.


I will hold the extra's for those flight sim needs. :jump: