Looking for the best freeware Hueys and Chinooks


Retired SOH Admin
I had a couple really nice ones, lost them in a HD snafu. What do you folks recommend as the best freeware Hueys and Chinooks....I am looking for Vietnam era, with or without guns, some more modern ones in military and civilian garb...not really into the fire bucket ones. VC is a must....but does not need to be all state of the art...I could care less about clickable switches as I find it hard to use my joystick and mouse at the same time.

And looking for really good sound packs for them as well...or ones that I can tweak into being really good ones.


[SIZE=-1] Hovercontrol Bell 210

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Helicopters FS2004 First Air Cav HC 210
[SIZE=-1] [ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: 1cav.zip Size: 2,878,604 Date: 02-28-2010 Downloads: 454
FS2004 First Air Cav HC 210. This is a repaint of Hovercontrol's Bell 210, in the weathered colors of a UH-1B used by the First Air Cav in the 1960's. You must have Hovercontrol's Bell 210 to use these files. Files by Ken Glaze and Hovercontrol.[/SIZE]
Obio - try this:

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Helicopters FS2004 Boeing Chinook Helicopter
[SIZE=-1][ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: bbch47.zip Size: 10,632,783 Date: 10-16-2004 Downloads: 16,971
[SIZE=-1] FS2004 Boeing Chinook Helicopter, v1.1. A Gmax model built with 3 levels of detail for best preformance on multiplayer. Two panels, old and new MFD. Four textures, US Army/RAF. Dynamic rotor blade system that moves in pitch, roll, yaw and collective. Also has helmet mounted display (HMD), autopilot and hover control. By Mark Adams and Tom Woods[/SIZE]

'tis a good 'un - I use it myself,

....and a search on Flightsim for 'Tom Woods' will lead you to several repaints and other goodies....

The Chinook cited above is the one to get, lots of textures and great sound file. Also check "huey_gunship" by Robert Swaim over at Hovercontrol. By far the best weathered textures, and guns, lots of guns. You should also check out the CH-46 by Rory Kelly. Again lots of textures with good weathering, Marine Navy, and Columbia Helicopters to name some.
I'd have to disagree on the Chinook, UKMIL is better in my opinion with CH-47D, MH-47, HC.2, HC.2A and HC.3 Variants. Slingload animations and optional IFR probe, fantastic external models and paints.
I don't know why some folks insist of labeling my work as Hovercontrols work as they did not have any input (except for source files and testing) in the packages. The 210 and 212 were basically my idea and not HC:kilroy:
SteveB was doing some great repaints for Deane's Huey in the Vietnam era but i hav'nt seen them as yet.

Regards Paul Day.
If you want extra textures for the Tom Woods and Mark Adams Chinook and the Hovercontrol Huey you have to search for Kirk Sunley on Hovercontrol.

In my opinion this Chinook is the best, there is also an Apache by the same authors. I mostly fly the Hovercontrol Huey because it has better textures but the Deane Bauton Huey is easier to fly. When SteveB's textures are up it will be my favorite. For the Huey I use the sounds by Manuel Gonzalez, the Chinook and Apache already come with good sounds.