Looking for

The Avsim forum community usually is in regular contact with him, so they may know if folks here do not.
When I last had contact with him, about a year ago, he wasn't doing any flight models.
When I last had contact with him, about a year ago, he wasn't doing any flight models.

That's a real shame, do you know anyone else that does flight models ? I know Warchild used to but I can't get in contact with her either.


The individual that goes by the username "GotGravel" has been quite prolific lately for producing flight models. He has been part of a number of freeware releases (including the Fokker Dr.1), as well as doing work for the payware company FlyingIron Simulations (Spitfire, P-38, Hellcat, and more). https://flightsim.to/profile/GotGravel
The individual that goes by the username "GotGravel" has been quite prolific lately for producing flight models. He has been part of a number of freeware releases (including the Fokker Dr.1), as well as doing work for the payware company FlyingIron Simulations (Spitfire, P-38, Hellcat, and more). https://flightsim.to/profile/GotGravel

Yeah when I started work on the Rotax 915is mod for the VL3 Gotgravel was starting to quickly learn about the MSFS flight model and how to design...(he easily took it over from me - of course I have 4 kids and not a lot of time hehe) he's clearly done a nice job with it and many other aircraft!