
Charter Member
Last install I had a nice P-40 warhawk with a classier cockpit. (Doesnt have the crude
"Octagonal" cockpit). Anyone have this one or remember which one that is?

Seems like it was one that came with a mission,but cant be sure. If anyone has the
better cockpit, I would be as happy as a Hobbit with a pipe and a crashed plane if
you could send it!
Sorry I don't know. I've never downloaded the Lesicka P-40M. It basically looks like a re-skin of the RegsHanger P-40's and I don't recall those having missing tracer effects. Sorry about that.
Yes indeed-dee Old Tiger! Its much like that one,(the one I found) Now isnt that pur-dee! :applause:

Now if I can just get a P-40 with "SMAUG" on the sides with the Hobbits face on the wings,
there would surely be much REJOICING! lol

NO WAY!! Hobbits are Not for P-40 abuse!
Unless they are Purple and pink polka-Dotted..
:love-struck: :love-struck: :love-struck:
On P-40 subject, the P-40B_lights found in the PTO Rising sun theatre requires the following effects :EffectName="p40_green_tip_light ,EffectName="p40_red_tip_light ,and EffectName="fx_p40_landing_light.
These are not in the effects.xml does anybody have them ?