Loosing IFR flight plan after viewing map


Charter Member
Every time I am flying an IFR flight plan and go to the map to look up the ILS frequencies, when I close the map, P3DV3.1 reloads the scenery and the IFR plan has been dumped..
I have to request the flight plan again.
I know FSX does not do this

Is anyone having the same issue?

I know if I copy the ILS frequencies when I am building the plan no problem,but I forget to do that all the time

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It's a small glitch, happens to me every time.
When you're finished viewing the map, press CANCEL to exit, not OK :)
If you press OK, then the sim will react just as if you had modified the position of the aircraft on the map (drag and drop of the plane icon). That's what causes the reload in P3D, even if you haven't modified anything. Pressing cancel instead of ok button should prevent that problem, if I remember correctly.
Glad I could help ! :ernaehrung004:
Just keep in mind though, just like me you will probably keep doing the mistake for a while in the near future.
I'm aware of that problem since quite a while, however it still happens to me to click on OK instead of CANCEL when my brain is in holidays... which happens more and more often :p
Deep frustration ahead :biggrin-new: