Theoretically, it can't be done. Some have devised techniques to accomplish this, with varied results.
Everything revolves around the Pilot's life in OFF, this is known. However if you have amassed 16 hours, and 23 confirmed, but your squadron changes it's featured aircraft, to what is Historically Correct. You WILL recieve that aircraft, like it or not.
But if that aircraft is not yet featured in OFF, you will RETIRE right then and there. PERIOD ( Has happened to people in the past ) and they weren't the least bit happy.
ONLY way to avoid it happening to You, is Start your Campaign activity in a squadron which featured Existing OFF aircraft, throughout the years.
A List Does Exist, it's on an Excel Spredsheet. Covers British Fighters and Bombers, German Fighters and Bombers, and French Fighters
I have a copy. It was available for Download on the previous OFF Website, the one Prior to Heaven and Hell. It was in existance prior to the CRASH, now . . I have NO idea, plus the link to the website. . was in my STICKY Tips,. . which vanished along with everything else.
Soooo if anyone has that Link, Please Post it
If it's located, I'll include it in the new Sticky, I'm working on