Lost sound on Alphasim S-55


Charter Member
I've run into a problem with my Alphasim S-55 installation. For some reason I've lost all engine sound and have only the touchdown sound remaining. To save space I've aliased the sound in the aircraft folder to a "Sounds" folder in the "Aircraft" file. This worked fine until today. I've made sure my speakers and headphones are working. Sounds for other aircraft work fine. I've tried other engine sounds in the alias folder, as well as installing them directly into the S-55 aircraft folder as an experiment to see if the sim can read them directly. I've also made sure the engine type in the S-55 aircraft cfg file matches what is in the S-55 sound config file. None of those measures works. Has anyone ever run into something like this before?
Well.. unless there is an entry in the aircraft config that has changed for the "sound", i.e. (sound =), the only other thing I can suggest is to look at the S-55 soundset within your sounds folder that you alias to. Also, be sure your coding is correct for the path to the sounds you are aliasing the aircraft to in the aircraft config.

BB, thanks for coming back.

You wanna hear something really weird - I gave up fooling with the S-55 and took up a CH-21 for a little hop around San Francisco. After landing and securing the airplane, I "ended flight." BTW everything worked fine. Something made me load the S-55 one more time - probably a streak of cussedness I have in that I hate giving up. Lo and behold the sound acted normally. I was using the default sound for the S-55, which is the sound pack for the default Robinson. When you listen to it, it's not a bad match so I may stick with that rather than load a custom-built CH-34/S-55 sound pack. I can't seem to find one that has everything - start-up sounds, rotor noises, plus cockpit internals etc. Reckon I'll stick with the Robinson. Hopefully I won't have to write about this any more.
Glad you got it sorted, for the most part, mate. I tend to keep my sound folders with the aircraft, rather than alias them. Unless there is quite the number of model variants, as is the case with some of my payware add-ons... here again, they all alias to a specific aircraft model within the sim. I.E., the Razbam Skyraiders packs.
