Lost the ability to take screenshots..


For many years I have used Martin Wright's 'Mgrab' utility to take screenshots. Recently the screenshots show my desktop, sometimes with part of the CFS3 intro movie or some black squares instead of the game. It is as if the CFS3 is not recognized by the screengrabbing function. I tried the stock CFS3 screenshot option, the MS Snipping Tool and I even downloaded a second screenshot program, all to no avail. Only when I let CFS3 run in a window, I can get a screenie of what I want. Does anyone know what causes this and how I can get things to work again?

Yeah, same thing.

The two screenie proggies both copy the PrtScrn from the clipboard to their respective programs' folder etc. The standard MS option of pasting it in MS Paint or similar also shows the desktop. Weird, huh?
The semicolon key usually saves a screenshot directly to your Documents\CFS3 Whateverorother folder. Is that not working?
Actually, it's Ctrl + ;.

And then the proper CFS3-based folder in My Documents.

When I use this, for the last 6 months I have been getting two set of pictures on loading.
How can I avoid having two picture of the same it takes quite a lot of space?
what about keyboard did you bind any keys for the screen shots to something else? what version of direct x when u put dxdiag into search box?
what about keyboard did you bind any keys for the screen shots to something else? what version of direct x when u put dxdiag into search box?

No, I did not bind the PrtScrn -key to anything else. I am running Win 7 x64 with DirectX 11. I think I will create another CFS3 shortcut with the 'run-in-window' command line option because that does seem to work...
How do you run dx 9c and dx11 together?

You don't, all versions should be included in 11.

The last time I had this similar problem was when I reinstalled windows 7, I had to wait for everything to update for the screenshots to work again. Tried it with updates missing and they wouldn't work like frosty says, but did after I installed directx. I also ran ddu on safe mode and installed my graphics card to get my driver updates off windows and ON direct from vendor.
Only do it if you still have your graphics card driver CD.
Hi Frosty,
I notice a difference between the UI environment and gameplay when using ctrl + ; for taking screenshots. I can take screenies during gameplay, but cannot take screenies of the UI screens, which is frustrating. This has been the case with all my installs going back to XP. When I try to use the "printscreen" button instead to capture a UI screen, I get those black rectangles that you describe, when pasting the copied image into an image editor.

For example, I would love to take screenshots of the campaign map before starting a campaign mission. To do so, I have to take a photo which does not give the best image quality when you zoom in on part of the screen.

So I don't know if there is anything "wrong" with your setup per se, it seems to be a general CFS3 thang.

Hi Frosty,

Try using an external screenshot program like BandiCam or Fraps.

That's what I've been using and it seems to work just fine for me.

If you have any questions, let me know,
