Lost TinMouse 737 paints


Charter Member
I’m after some repaints for this wonderful model, mainly an air New Zealand repaint that was lost in the avsim hack. Any happen to have this livery in particular?

kind regards
If you mean the one below then yes I have it. I'm off to bed now but if you PM me I'll do my best to get it to you tomorrow somehow.


After the past 6 months of your looking for this and for that, am finally curious enough to ask: Is it a flight simulation website's library that's being amped up with all the things you're seeking? The hungriest website is FlightSim. "A Nels? Nein!" :distrust: Heh heh heh...

Yes thats the one! And that flightsim link didnt work when i clicked it

I do belive there was the newer ANZ colours too, but those colours work just fine :)
Not sure why the download link didn't work. Perhaps the link is dynamic rather than static. However, if you search by filename you'll find it ;-)