On mission 16 in my BE2c over the "no mans land" I ran into a flight of six Fok E 111, no sweat my wing men were up to the task. So in we went and low and behold up pops Muller, Richthofen, Boelcko, and Imelmann. It was a fair day in August 1916 and away we went. Muller and Richthofen made turns toward me and had to correct to prevent a collision and ended up 200 m infront of my sights. If you ever fly the BE2c you know that the sights are not quite "on" and involve some Kentucky windage for aiming.
A few short burst ( using the 3 burst as learned in special forces) and using a narrow pattern I was on them like a chicken on a june bug. Both went down. Oswald Boelcko was very unhappy but made a slight error so I put my last few rounds in him and headed WEST. I made it to the first airfield with "Oswald" only 500m behind me. No credit given though. Bummer!!!
A few short burst ( using the 3 burst as learned in special forces) and using a narrow pattern I was on them like a chicken on a june bug. Both went down. Oswald Boelcko was very unhappy but made a slight error so I put my last few rounds in him and headed WEST. I made it to the first airfield with "Oswald" only 500m behind me. No credit given though. Bummer!!!