Love this game



Yes I love this game :) I have the ole TrackIr4 Pro working smooth and the immersion is unbelieveable. Feels like I am there. Polo and other contributors please take a bow.
I have also ordered BOB2 and will switch back and forth between WW1 and WW2, of course playing the Brits, but maybe the dark side sometimes :)
I am reading world war 1 and 2 air combat books now due to these games.
Thanks so much for your efforts and please keep it up.

I have to second that expression of love for this game.
Last night I was leading my RFC1 flight of Nieuport 17s in January 1917 to escort some recce planes over Douai. The experience of reaching a smooth cruising altitude in that gorgeous aircraft, on a sparkling morning over the snow-covered Flanders fields, is so exhilarating that I'm half-surprised when a burst of archie reminds me there's a war on, and that some other chaps somewhere out there are trying to kill me.
I just can't describe how thrilling it is to actually hear those frigid winter winds in the wires, hear the "crump" of distant guns, swivel my TIR head around and see my wingmen, the winter haze on the horizon, the sunlight glare, the little flashes of combat on the ground...World War I was an unspeakable horror, and the air war certainly had horrors of its own, but I can really see how privileged the flyboys must have felt to soar among the heavens like this.
I second Flavious.

The first time I went up to dogfight, the immersion was awesome, still is.

I had my butt handed to me several times until I started to concentrate on fighting.