Low Level Mosquito FB.26 fly-bys

That plane is a magnificent beauty... love the sound of those merlins !!! :guinness:

Thanks for the viddie SOLOBO.

Thanks for the video link Solobo.

The Mossie is such a beautiful design, and my all time WWII favourite. The first ever true multi-role aircraft.

Cheers, Stuart
Thank you SOLOBO.
Excellent video footage of a stunning aircraft.
Got to agree with Pete as well.
I was there that day and I will NEVER forget that sound or the sight of this magnificent machine in it's natural element.
A truly groundbreaking restoration.
Everyone involved in making this happen heartily deserves every accolade they received.
nice, my favourite twin engined warbird, possibly my favourite warbird full stop... i see a Mossie and i can't help but remember that fateful day at Barton (i was a kid and was at the show), i just hope one day this (formerly) green and pleasant land once again sees a Mosquito soaring above it....
i see a Mossie and i can't help but remember that fateful day at Barton (i was a kid and was at the show)
An internet friend of mine was a volunteer firefighter on the crash crew at Barton that day. He still has bad memories about it.